Making your home a safe space isn’t as new age or high tech as you might think. When getting into the world of home security, the long term goal is always peace of mind with the hope that your safeguards are never put to the test. While you can’t ever know for sure, you can ensure that your home’s security prowess is up for the challenge.
The front door is the easiest way for someone to access your home. Likewise, the most effective way to keep intruders out is to lock the front door with a deadbolt. Moreover, it’s crucial that all doors on the first floor of your home that provide interior to exterior access are equipped with the extra security of a deadbolt.
Lock it Up

It’s crucial to make sure all windows and doors are locked and secure at all times. Take the time to evaluate every exterior entrance around your home. This includes, while unconventional, doggie doors that may seem small but could very well provide unexpected access. Most come with an adjustable feature that allows you to collapse them shut when your four-legged friends aren’t making an entrance from the backyard.
Sturdy is as Sturdy Does
Make sure that your door frames are sturdy and their hinges are secured. The same goes for window panes equipped with dark cellular shades and accentuating features around the home. One weak point goes a long way for a ne’er-do-well individual on the hunt for an easy score.
New House. New Locks
If you move into a new home, replace your locks immediately. Make sure you and you alone have access to your space. You can do this yourself using a home kit or ask a professional and consult the skill and expertise of a local locksmith.
Invest in a Smart Camera System

Smart cameras are triggered by motion, providing easy access to viewing your property from all angles at the drop of an app. Installing a premium-quality camera system gives you the smarts to stay ahead of what’s happening outside your home. Whether you’re expecting a package or have an unexpected visitor, easy access is essential before opening the front door.
Modernize Security Features
Modern security systems use cloud streaming to work in tangent with smart cameras, allowing you to view your system through a remote feed. All you need is a smartphone or a laptop, and you can watch over your home from anywhere, everywhere, all at once.
Light Work

Put intruders in the spotlight. Motion sensor lights increase nighttime visibility and provide a preeminent alert of anything lurking around your property. riskier target for intruders. You can add lights along pathways to provide visibility along the areas leading to your front door, backdoor, and everywhere in between.
Landscape It Up
If you’re looking for an old trick for a modern home, planting a series of thorny hedges around the exterior of your home are an easy way to defend your home. Thorny hedges are hard to scale and can’t be cut easily. Try the likes of Barberry, Cactus, Chinese Jujube, among others.
Safe & Sound

It’s easy to protect prized valuables or irreplaceable antiquities in the event that your security fails. Consider buying a safe to place items such as jewelry, cash, essential documents, and other items that are of the utmost importance to your family.
Shade, Shade, Shade, Shade, Shade
Pulling back a pair of roller shades can brighten any room, but a good interior decorator knows how inventive shades, curtains, and blinds can be for keeping prying eyes out of your home. Accessibility of natural light is crucial, allowing you to let the light in when necessary and pulling the outdoor curtains closed when not.
Home Field Advantage
Hiding something in plain sight works well in keeping less consequential items away from prying eyes. The secret to doing this is simply thinking of ways you can cleverly incorporate everything you want to hide in the interior design.
Side Tip: Taking a trip to your local public pool or water park this summer? Hide necessary valuables in outdoor cushion covers & plant an inexpensive decoy bag full of spare towels in the event someone snatches something that doesn’t belong to them.
Plain & Sightly

Whether you’re hiding an heirloom amongst a stack of old books on a shelf that’s already littered with various tchotchkes, or even in a coffee can at the back of your freezer, hiding in plain sight is an apt way to conceal interest by overwhelming the eyes.
Remember, intruders implore an in and out strategy in most break ins. They tend to maximize the time spent lurking around. In the event that they do stick around, the last thing they’ll be spending their time checking is what lies among your leftovers in your freezer.
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